Make sure your child is up to date on school required immunizations, especially parents of children entering Kindergarten, 7th grade and 12th grade as these are years additional immunizations are required. Check with your health care provider or this MN Department of Health link for more information: ARE YOUR KIDS READY?. Information is also available on the district website under Health Services.
If your child requires scheduled or emergency medication during school hours, you will need to complete a medication form. The form is available on the district website under Health Services or in the school office.
**New this year: Annual health update forms are online this year. You will need to sign into your child’s Skyward profile to enter “need to know” health information. If your child has a health condition that requires emergency medication or an action plan, please contact the school health office prior to the start of the school year.
Please update your contact phone numbers in your child’s Skyward profile online in case we need to contact you about a health concern or emergency during the school day.