Technology Services

In our technology department, we have a team of skilled informational technology staff as well as an instructional technology coach who provides professional development and support for teachers within the classroom.  

Top Technology Resources

Student working on a computer and talking with teacher.
Middles Students on laptops for a Minecraft lesson

Contact Information

Tim Vagle
District Technology Manager 


Renee Kerzman
Renee Kerzman
Director of Curriculum,
Instruction and Technology

Informational Technology Staff

Help Desk

For quickest response, please contact our help desk.

Phone: 218-844-1119




Picture of Bob Heimark
Bob Heimark

District Office 

Picture of Jami Elkington
Jami Elkington

Middle School 

Picture of Nick Ahrens
Nick Arens


Picture of Steve Smudsrud
Steve Smedsrud

High School