Title I Services

TITLE I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA):

Under the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) there is financial assistance to school districts with high numbers or percentages of children from low-income families to ensuring that all children meet challenging academic standards.  Detroit Lakes Public Schools accepts Title I funds and is required to provide all children with fair, equitable and significant education opportunities in order to obtain a high-quality education and at minimum proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.  

As part of the requirement Detroit Lakes Public Schools is required to have a Parent Involvement Plan.   In addition, schools accepting Title I funding must involve parents in the plan.   A yearly meeting is scheduled to gather input from parents regarding the Parent Involvement Plan and to review student achievement.  

Public and nonpublic school buildings can receive funding under Title I, part A of ESEA.  Schools receive funding as a “whole”  or “targeted” school.   Funding for whole schools are available to all children in the building and a school must develop a whole school plan for use of the allocated dollars.  Schools who are targeted provide services to student who qualify under district guidelines.  Non-public schools receive funding in allocation of the students resident public school receiving funding as a per child allocation.

Building staff will notify families if their child is eligible for Title I Services.



Contact Information

Renee Kerzman
Renee Kerzman
Director of Curriculum,
Instruction and Technology