Testing Requirements

Homeschooled students are required by MN State law to take a nationally normed-referenced achievement test yearly, (unless homeschool is accredited by state-recognized accrediting agency).

Planned testing information is to be included on the Full Report which is submitted to the Detroit Lakes Superintendent's office. Tests may be purchased by the homeschool's vendor of choice.

The ACT exam is an option for high school students.

MN Department of Education recommends the Iowa Test of Basic Skills or the Stanford Achievement Test which are both are available from the MSTP: University of Minnesota.

Minnesota Statewide Testing Program (MSTP), through the University of Minnesota, is one source that provides testing materials for all grade levels of home school educated children in Minnesota. All home school educators must pre-pay for their testing directly to MSTP.

Test results are returned directly to the homeschool test administrator and should be kept in your home school records. Supplemental testing is required if the nationally normed test does not encompass all required subject areas.

MSTP Contact Info:

Minnesota Statewide Testing Program
University of Minnesota
879 - 29th Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414