Keeping Kids Home
When to Keep Your Child Home from School
Symptom Summary
Fever of 100.4 or higher - can return when no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc.
Vomiting - can return when they have not vomited for at least 24 hours and are able to eat food.
Diarrhea - can return when they have not had an episode of diarrhea for 24 hours.
Rash of unknown cause, cannot be covered or is distracting - can return after they have been seen by a medical provider or rash has improved.
Eye drainage or significant redness in eye - can return when symptoms have improved or have been seen by a medical provider.
Recent discharge from hospital or emergency room - can return when cleared to return to school by a medical provider.
Staying Healthy
During the season of flu and colds, it is important to try and remain as healthy as possible. Adequate sleep and nutrition will help. Keeping sick children home when they are ill will help prevent others from becoming ill. Most important is encouraging good, frequent hand washing.
The Minnesota Department of Health encourages the “Cover Your Cough” campaign. Sneezing and/or coughing into a tissue or the inside area of the elbow rather than the hands will prevent the spread of infection along with good hand washing. Good resources regarding this year’s flu is and Influenza Fact Sheet MN Department of Health.
If you are unsure whether or not to send your child, you can contact your school’s health office or the district school nurse. The Child Care Manual is also very helpful and it's what we use when making decisions to send children home.