Powwow 2024

2024 Princess and Brave, Kya Gaanshiwaawaask Smith and Adrian Bloom
2024 Princess and Brave
Kya Smith and Adrian Bloom
2024 Princess standing displaying the back of her beautiful Powwow regalia.


Emily Buermann and her daughter Verena sharing information with spectators

Emily Buermann and her daughter Verena sharing information with spectators

Drumming circle in the center of Lakershirts Fieldhouse
Drumming circle in the center of Lakershirts Fieldhouse
Powwow participants dancing around the drumming circle.
The Princess and Brave dancing around the drum circle.
Drummers seated in drum circles as the Powwow dancers prepare.
Spectators entering the Lakeshirts Fieldhouse
Spectators entering the Lakeshirts Fieldhouse