Upcoming Events
News & Announcements
Middle School students in American Indian Education will be making their own ribbon skirts and ribbon shirts every Tuesday after school for the month of February. Raenna came to share her skills and passion with these students. So far, they have learned about the mechanics of a sewing machine, practiced threading their bobbers/needles, and practiced making simple stitches. This is such a great experience for our students.
Thank you to the White Earth Land Recovery Program, Minnesota Humanities Center, and the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment for making this opportunity possible. Stay tuned for the finished products at the end of the month!
DLHS students would like to give a big Thank You to DL Fire Chief Mike Hanson and two of his volunteer firefighters for hosting an exploring post at the fire station last night. The students learned how to become a fire and rescue professional and had the opportunity to suit up and use the "Jaws of Life" in an egg shuttle challenge. It was very educational and fun for the students. We are grateful to have such a competent and skilled fire department in Detroit Lakes.
Eighteen students from the DLHS Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter, accompanied by advisor Braeden Hogie, competed in the BPA Regional Conference on January 22nd at MState and DLHS. Over 320 students participated in competitions including Interview Skills, Banking & Finance, Medical Coding, Human Resource Management, Speech, and other Business and Information Technology related events. Three individuals and one team from DLHS BPA placed 1st in their categories.
The DLHS BPA Chapter has sixteen students advancing to compete at the Minnesota BPA State Leadership Conference held at the Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis in March. In addition to receiving awards, two DLHS BPA members were elected to serve as Region 6 officers for 2025-2026. Brody Foster will be the Region 6 President and Mailyn Aligada will be the Region 6 VP of Communications/Outreach. Thank you to all of the judges from surrounding communities and our hosts at MSTATE and DLHS.
Last Thursday was the last day of the 1st internship rotation for our Project LIFE Detroit Lakes Public Schools interns. The interns have learned so much.
Thank you to BTD Manufacturing, Lakeshirts, and Central Market. We appreciate you and are look forward to continuing our partnerships with Lakeshirts and Central Market while welcoming Ecumen for the 2nd rotation starting Dec. 2!!